Ysgol Harri Tudur | Henry Tudor School

Ysgol Harri Tudur | Henry Tudor School
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The House System & Mentor Groups

There are five houses at Ysgol Harri Tudur/Henry Tudor School. All pupils are placed in a house when they join the school and we try to keep siblings together in the same house.

As part of the house system pupils are also placed in Mentor Groups.

Head of House: Mr G Batchelor

September 2024

Ysgol Harri Tudur has a new House system. Our learners suggested ideas for house names and from our most popular we voted for our favourites. Drum roll please…

Our learners opted for coastal birds and animals.

We now have Morlo (Seal), Pâl (Puffin), Dollffin (Dolphin), Dyfrigi (Otter) and Orca (Orca) Houses!

Pupils drew their new house names and colours out of a hat during a week of assemblies and there was much anticipation.

We look forward to a year of competitions and events, beginning with a shield design competition, in which pupils will compete to have their ideas contributing to our final shield creations. We also look forward to our annual year 7 singing competition, as well as our Black History Month top-trump icons competition, led by our History teachers.

Our Sixth form students are busying themselves leading our younger pupils in rehearsals for the upcoming House Play extravaganza which never fails to blow us all away!

Lots going on at the moment; watch this space for more competitions and events!

Graham Batchelor

Enrichment and Participation Leader

Mentor Groups and contacting your child's Mentor:

Mentor List Capture

If the picture is too small to read on your device please download the document here

Each Mentor Group is allocated to a house. Each house also has a house council which represents the pupil voice for their house.

The house system promotes pupil well-being by offering them support from their Head of House and from their Peer house mentors. Heads of House provide house activities and competitions to enhance pupils' sense of belonging and self-esteem. Head of House meet regularly with the Assistant Headteacher for Well-being (Mr J Jones) to discuss fund raising ideas, inter-house competitions and other well-being issues.


Certificates have arrived in school for candidates who sat examinations in 2024. They can be collected from Reception after 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, from Monday 2nd December. Certificates will need to be signed for on collection. If the candidate is unable to collect them and they would like to send a family member or friend instead, please ensure they have a note or email from the candidate giving them permission to collect the certificates and ID to prove who they are. Read More…

Please note that school is routinely closed from the end of after school clubs on a Friday (4.30 pm) to 8.00 am on the following Monday. Work emails will not be answered during this period. Read More…

Parents, Guardians and Carers are kindly reminded that we have a number of learners who suffer with severe nut allergies; these learners are aware of their condition and will alert others who may put them at risk, by actions such as eating food containing nuts near to them. Please respect these requests; the consequence could be the initiation of an anaphylactic attack. Read More…

All drivers are requested to only park in designated parking areas; do not park in the Drop Off and Pick Up lane, in white hatched areas marked on the road, on the access road to and from the LRC or in the Bus Lane. Please also do not drop off by the roundabout.  Read More…

The school now has its own twitter account to promote important news and events as well as sharing celebrations of our learner's achievements. Please follow us on Twitter @YsgolHarriTudur. More detailed information can always be found on our school website www.yht.wales and also via the Ysgol Harri Tudur app. Please continue to get in touch with us in the usual ways. Read More…

All drivers are requested to use the designated Drop Off/Pick Up and parking sites whilst on the school site. Read More…

Friday 10th January 2025 Read More…

Please follow this link to view/download the December Edition of the Tudor Times Read More…

Sixth Formers meeting Henry Tufnell MP on visit to Houses of Parliament Read More…

If the picture below is too small to read on your device please download here Read More…

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